CDAC Recruitment 2011 – Online Application Form: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) has asking online applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of Senior Staff Scientists. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification and other information of CDAC Recruitment 2011 is given below…
CDAC Recruitment 2011 details:
Total no. of posts: 50 posts
Name of the posts:
1. Sr. Staff Scientist: 45 posts
2. Sr. Staff Scientist (Teaching): 05 posts
Age limit: 33 Years as on 21.03.2011 (Relaxation as per Govt rules).
Application Fee: Demand draft of Rs 200/-(General category), (No fee for SC/ST candidates), drawn in favor of C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.
Selection procedure: The mode of selection is written test/interview basis.
How to apply: The eligible and interested candidates apply through online only, after submitting online application take print out of application and send the print out copy of the application along with Demand draft to the following address, Senior Administrative Officer Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695 033, on or before, 25-03-2011.
Instructions for candidates to apply online:
1. Registered candidates can login using their login ID and password.
2. Candidates have to upload their passport size photo jpg format only.
3. Candidates can login and edit their application details until the last date of online Application.
4. Candidates have to make sure that they have the Demand draft (If Applicable) while filling the application.
Important dates:
Last date for submitting online application: 21-03-2011.
Last date of receipt Online Application: 25-03-2011.
For complete information regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, selection procedure, how to apply, experience, no. of posts, last date of receipt online application, application fee and other information of CDAC Recruitment 2011 is available at given below link…