Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2011 – – various vacancies: Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) has issued a recruitment notification of the Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/PWD categories for the recruitment of various vacancies. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification and other information of Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment2011 is given below…
Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2011 details:
Total no. of posts: 50 posts
Name of the post:
For SC/ST/OBC Category:
1. Dy. General Manager (Tech): 01 post
2. Chief Manager (Tech): 01 post
3. Manager (Tech) Manager (Legal): 05 posts
4. Dy. Manager (Tech): 05 posts
5. Asst. Manager (Tech): 03 posts
6. Sr. Engineer (Tech): 04 posts
7. Sr. Engineer (Tech) (Ex Navy): 04 posts
8. Probationary Officer: 12 posts
For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category:
1. Sr. Engineer (Tech): 15 posts
Application Fee: Only for the post Probationary Officer: Demand draft of Rs 250/- for OBC category, (No fee for ST/PWD category), drawn in favour of Mazagon Dock Limited, payable at Mumbai.
How to apply: The eligible candidates send the application in prescribed format and one recent passport size photograph affixed on the application form, along with attested copies of necessary certificates, demand draft to the following address, on or before, 15/04/2011, Additional General Manager (HR-O), Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010.
Last date of receipt application: 15/04/2011.
For more complete information regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, selection procedure, how to apply, experience, no. of posts, application format, last date of receipt application and other information of is available at below given link…
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